How to change the Opportunity page layout

A useful function of Fortix is that screen layouts can be changed as easy as drag and drop. This article explains how to change the screen layout of the  Edit Opportunity page.

The address bar link is: /?opportunities 

Access the Opportunity Screen by Clicking on BUSDEV in the Main Heading bar and select Opportunities. To Change the EDIT Opportunity page layout Screen Click any underlined Opportunity.

Opportunities - Profile Fortix - Google Chrome

The Opportunity page opens. Click the Matrix Menu option in the top right-hand corner and click the four-block icon to change the page screen layout. If these options are not available, please contact to review your permissions.

Opportunities Validation Opportunity, Louise Bellinghurst - Profile Fortix - Google Chrome

The Screen Layout – Opportunity page opens with the SETUP form. The Configuration is Default.

Column #1 and #2 have the component that is currently displayed on the screen. The last Column Lists the Components that are Available but presently hidden in the system.

Click the red cross to remove a component.

Click the white plus in the black circle to add a new component.

Profile Fortix - Google Chrome

Add the component by clicking the ON button. Click DONE when finished.

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Click SAVE to commit the changes to the system.

Click-drag and drop the components between the Columns. The Columns Width (%) can be adjusted by a click on the wrench icon on the right-hand corner of the SETUP form.

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Specific roles in your organisation can have specific views of the same data. Add a new configuration by clicking the white plus in the black circle. Select the roles that will be using this view. Click SAVE to commit all changes to the system.

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